correct eth irq setting for lite configuration (3)
[debian6500.git] / master / opt / cluster / slave / etc /
2015-09-21  Laurent Mazetforce constant cpu frequencies (2)
2015-09-21  Laurent Mazetforce constant cpu frequencies
2015-09-15  Laurent MazetMerge branch 'master' of ssh://srvgitgnv/gitstore/g_tr6...
2015-07-28  Laurent Mazetclean rc.local for xdf-12mhz, xdf-30mhz, and mhf
2015-07-23  Laurent Mazetadd noatime and async options in fstab
2015-06-22  Thomas Pérennou... Keep standard 30MHzDF and adds the lite configuration dev_tr65_tpe_1060_swm_suppression debian_7.8.2
2015-06-15  Laurent MazetMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev_tr65_tpe_1060_...
2015-06-15  Laurent MazetMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev_tr65_ole_1086_...
2015-02-27  Thomas Pérennou... Configuration of 30MHz on 16 gon full duplex
2015-02-25  Thomas Pérennou... Monitoring switch suppression
2015-02-18  Thomas Pérennou... Merge branch 'master' into 1060_swm_suppression
2015-02-13  Thomas Pérennou... Full duplex for SWG
2014-12-05  Laurent Mazetdo not wait switches from slave
2014-12-03  Laurent Mazetadd ipmi wake service
2014-11-13  Laurent MazetMerge branch 'dev_tr65_lma_1001_iso_maker'
2014-11-12  Laurent Mazetalmost every thing is ready