X-Git-Url: https://secure.softndesign.org/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=master%2Fetc%2Fvim%2Fvimrc;h=938d0f557f6e639bc1b36a36da9d89fc9d016ef4;hb=f4914914fc3ec8971e6c0c1f7bbfc1fa49ed04b9;hp=48608cc7e4f5180150cfa771b72a6f4fd0af6cb0;hpb=b4f06f58ac8ea8eabad0a71aebc30f920ca0b92f;p=debian6500.git diff --git a/master/etc/vim/vimrc b/master/etc/vim/vimrc index 48608cc..938d0f5 100644 --- a/master/etc/vim/vimrc +++ b/master/etc/vim/vimrc @@ -17,33 +17,33 @@ runtime! debian.vim " Vim5 and later versions support syntax highlighting. Uncommenting the next " line enables syntax highlighting by default. -"syntax on +syntax on " If using a dark background within the editing area and syntax highlighting " turn on this option as well -"set background=dark +set background=dark " Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when " reopening a file -"if has("autocmd") -" au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif -"endif +if has("autocmd") + au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif +endif " Uncomment the following to have Vim load indentation rules and plugins " according to the detected filetype. -"if has("autocmd") -" filetype plugin indent on -"endif +if has("autocmd") + filetype plugin indent on +endif " The following are commented out as they cause vim to behave a lot " differently from regular Vi. They are highly recommended though. -"set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line. -"set showmatch " Show matching brackets. -"set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching -"set smartcase " Do smart case matching -"set incsearch " Incremental search -"set autowrite " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make -"set hidden " Hide buffers when they are abandoned +set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line. +set showmatch " Show matching brackets. +set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching +set smartcase " Do smart case matching +set incsearch " Incremental search +set autowrite " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make +set hidden " Hide buffers when they are abandoned "set mouse=a " Enable mouse usage (all modes) " Source a global configuration file if available