#!/usr/bin/expect # ============================================================================ # # Copyright (C) THALES. All rights reserved # # * V1.0 Laurent Mazet 29/04/2013 # creation script de configuration de la matrice par ligne de commande # ============================================================================ # get matrix ip set ip "" set fid [open "/etc/hosts" r] while { [gets $fid line] >= 0 } { regsub "#.*$" $line {} line if {[string match "*matrix*" $line]} { regsub -all "\\." $line " " line foreach word $line { if {![regexp "^\[0-9\]+$" $word]} break set digit [format "%03d" $word] set ip [concat $ip $digit] } break } } close $fid set matrix [join $ip "."] spawn /opt/trc6500/tools/matrix_tool set timeout 3 exec ifconfig eth1:0 netmask proc cleanexit {rc} { exec ifconfig eth1:0 down exit $rc } expect { "taper la commande choisie" { send "0\r" } timeout { send_user "connection to $host timed out\n"; cleanexit 1 } eof { send_user "connection to host failed\n"; cleanexit 1 } } expect { "timeout detected" { send_user "can't connect on defaut ip\n"; cleanexit 1 } "taper la commande choisie" { send "10\r" } } expect "nouvelle adresse" { send "$matrix\r" } expect "taper la commande choisie" { send "12\r" } expect "taper la commande choisie" { send "14\r" } cleanexit 0 # vim:set tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4: