change alias.csv to alias.d/50-trc6500-master-file.csv
[debian6500.git] / simple-cdd / simple-cdd.conf
1 # simple-cdd configuration file
3 # normally we should use the built-in simple_cdd_dir but I have doubts.. Let's use this.
4 # you'll probably want to change that
5 working_dir="/home/trc6500/cdd-attempt"
6 working_dir=$(pwd)
8 # Profiles to include on the CD
9 profiles="trc6500"
10 build_profiles="trc6500"
11 auto_profiles="trc6500"
13 do_mirror="true"
14 debian_mirror="ftp://integration2/debian"
15 profiles_udeb_dist="wheezy"
16 mirror_component="main"
17 mirror_tools="wget"
18 # default for mirror_tools is "wget reprepro". However, if we use reprepro, build-simple-cdd doesn't read the local_packages option, because it assumes reprepro has already built those into the mirror. But we're not building the mirror here, so we never actually get them. If we disable reprepro, it will actually look into local_packages.
19 # Note that all this was because we were using the previously-built mirror in ./tmp instead of being connected to a repository like we'd normally do. If you don't do that just delete those things.
21 # Packages that couldn't be included in the /tmp mirror, so we put them there instead
22 local_packages="${working_dir}/local_packages"
24 # we'll unpack that during install
25 # for now, this includes : myrc.local,, local_packages/firmware-bnx2, and the deb package with all the master files
26 # additionally, the bnx2 firmware is there because it resists being added to local_packages for some odd reason. So we'll install it by hand.
27 #all_extras="${working_dir}/master.tar.gz,${working_dir}/myrc.local,${working_dir}/,${working_dir}/local_packages/firmware-bnx2_0.36+wheezy.1_all.deb"
28 all_extras="${working_dir}/myrc.local,${working_dir}/,${working_dir}/local_packages/firmware-bnx2_0.36+wheezy.1_all.deb, $(find ${working_dir}/.. -maxdepth 1 -name trc6500-master-file\*.deb|sort|tail -1)"
30 # added value
31 export SPLASHPNG="${working_dir}/splash-thales.png"