OS customization packaged as .deb
[debian6500.git] / simple-cdd / additional_scripts / configure_switch.tcl
1 #!/usr/bin/expect
3 # ============================================================================
4 #
5 # Copyright (C) THALES. All rights reserved
6 # Author: Laurent Mazet
7 #
8 # Script de configuration du switchs
9 #
10 # 2013-10-10 V1.0 : Creation
11 #
12 # ============================================================================
14 set host [lrange $argv 0 0]
15 if { $host == "" } {
16 puts "usage: configure_switch.tcl \[swg1|swg2|swm\]"
17 exit 1
18 }
20 set tftpserver ""
21 if { $host == "swg1" } { set tftpserver "" }
22 if { $host == "swg2" } { set tftpserver "" }
23 if { $host == "swm" } { set tftpserver "" }
24 if { $tftpserver == "" } { puts "unknown switch '$host'"; exit }
26 set date [ exec date +%Y%m%d-%H:%m:%S ]
27 set backup "$host-$date.txt"
29 spawn telnet $host
31 set timeout 30
33 expect {
34 "Password:" { send "thales\r" }
35 incorrect { send_user "invalid password or account\n"; exit 1 }
36 timeout { send_user "connection to $host timed out\n"; exit 1 }
37 eof { send_user "connection to host failed\n"; exit 1 }
38 }
39 expect -exact ">" { send "enable\r" }
40 expect "Password:" { send "thales\r" }
41 expect "#" { send "copy running-config tftp://$tftpserver/$backup\r" }
42 expect -exact "?" { send "$tftpserver\r" }
43 expect -exact "?" { send "$backup\r" }
44 expect "#" { send "copy tftp://$tftpserver/$host.txt startup-config\r" }
45 expect -exact "?" { send "startup-config\r" }
46 #expect "#" { send_user " << reload or exit ? >> "; interact }
47 expect "#" { send "reload\r" }
49 exit 0
50 # vim:set tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4: